About Kris Moriarty

Kris Moriarty

Head Of Customer Experience

Hey there, I’m Kris! I’m a seasoned novice gardener. I worked in business development in the corporate sector for 20 years. Once the pandemic hit, I was laid off and put all the extra hours in my day towards gardening. I fell in love with it – it was so cathartic and peaceful!

I love the failures almost as much as the successes because I can apply that new knowledge as experience for the future. There is nothing more satisfying than going to pick fresh produce and eggs from your backyard and whipping up a delicious meal… and I love growing food for my family and neighbors, too!

I went from killing every plant I touched to having a fabulous food farm in my front and back yard in sunny San Diego. Now I’m dabbling in medicinal plants and herbs!

Q: What’s your favorite plant?

A: My favorite plant depends on the season. I love growing white pumpkins in the fall as they’re incredibly variable and are the best in all the ways I use them! During the summer, cucumbers are my favorite. They’re just so delicious, and I love having homemade pickles all year long.

Q: What is your spirit plant?

A: My spirit plant would probably be sage. It’s a subtle, yet effective herb that can alter things for the better. Yet, if not used properly, it can overpower other flavors. Best of all, it’s easy to care for! Like sage, I’m subtle, but I can sneak up on you once I put my mind towards something. I’m also pretty low-maintenance, so I guess I’m easy to care for, too.

Q: What’s the most unusual plant you’ve grown?

A: Right now, I’m attempting to grow a Sapphire Tower, Puya alpestris. This unusual bromeliad reaches 3’-4’ in height, but then sends up shockingly vibrant turquoise to electric blue blooms on a skyscraper of a flower spike. It really is gorgeous!

Articles from Kris Moriarty