About Alicia Thompson

Alicia Thompson

Indigenous Farmer

Greetings, my name is Alicia!  I identify as an Indigenous farmer from the Southwest, located on the dynamic Colorado Plateau.  I have experience cultivating organic foods at high elevations and in semi-arid climates.  My background includes certificates in Permaculture Design and a Masters degree in Forestry.

My current interests are in agroforestry, and how we can foster a resilient edible landscape with environmental restoration.  I am practicing water conservation and integrating planting techniques that build healthy soils. My goal is to increase biodiversity and maximize space for food production.

When I am not with my plant babies, I enjoy spending time with my hens.  They love to find snacks in the compost and help manage pests such as grasshoppers.  Plus the plants thrive off of the nutrients in their manure!

Q: What is your favorite plant?

A: A: I love the bright and beautiful sunflower! Not only are the seeds delicious but they bring in pollinators and remove toxins from the soil. I am allergic to the fuzzy hairs on this plant but that does not stop me from planting sunflowers every year!

Q: What is your plant persona?

A: My plant persona is the avocado.  I am easy to get along with and thrive in sunny locations.

Q: What is the most unusual plant you have grown?

A: The perennial herb native to North America, osha (Ligusticum porteri). The root of this plant has many medicinal purposes such as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

When I am not with my plant babies, I enjoy spending time with my hens.  They love to find snacks in the compost and help manage pests such as grasshoppers.  Plus the plants thrive off of the nutrients in their manure!

Articles from Alicia Thompson